Gratitude for the Brotherhood: A Shout Out to the Men Who Made FATE Fellowship Possible
As I sit here reflecting on the journey of FATE Fellowship, I am filled with an overwhelming sense of gratitude. From the very beginning, this ministry has not been about one person’s efforts, but rather the collective heartbeat of men who have stepped into this vision together. I want to take a moment to thank each and every man who has played a role in building FATE into what it is today. It is not only a ministry, but a brotherhood—a community of men committed to walking through life together, lifting each other up, and seeking God's purpose in every season.
FATE Fellowship has been built on the backs of men who understood the power of community, accountability, and genuine connection. I want to be clear: the success of FATE Fellowship is not solely because of me, AJ Emerick, and the work I’ve done. In fact, this ministry’s impact has come from the unity of like-minded men who have recognized the importance of walking alongside one another, supporting one another through life’s ups and downs, and committing to growth together. It has been through their dedication, vulnerability, and willingness to engage that we have seen lives transformed.
Some of these men came to us burdened by the weight of passivity—feeling like they were just getting by in life. They weren’t living with purpose, nor did they have a vision for their future. But as they stepped into community with men who were actively pursuing Christ and embracing the call to lead with strength and courage, they began to find clarity. The distractions of the world—social media, work pressures, material pursuits—no longer held their attention as they once did. When we came together and shared life, we were able to encourage one another to focus on what truly matters. We learned that time is precious and should not be wasted on things that do not build our character, relationships, or legacy.
Through this community, we’ve seen men rediscover their purpose. Many who were stuck in dead-end marriages or relationships that lacked direction have now found new hope. For some, their marriages were in turmoil, with no clear vision for the present or the future. But when they connected with other men, men who were rooted in Christ and willing to be open and vulnerable...everything began to shift. They realized that being a provider in the traditional sense wasn’t enough. They recognized that their children needed more than financial support; they needed their fathers to be present, engaged, and emotionally connected. Some men who once thought they were “protecting” their families by working long hours discovered that their efforts had created distance instead of closeness. Being a hardworking father is important, but there is no greater reward than being a father who is emotionally present and actively involved in his children’s lives.
At FATE Fellowship, we’ve witnessed marriages healed, relationships restored, and families united. This is the power of community. The impact is far-reaching. As men grow in their faith and commitment to one another, they not only change their own lives, but they also change the lives of those closest to them. They become the kind of men who leave a legacy for the next generation—men who are intentional in their parenting, who love their wives well, and who make a tangible difference in the world around them.
I am incredibly humbled and proud to be in this fight alongside these men. Each one has contributed in significant ways, and I am thankful for the unique strengths, wisdom, and experiences they bring to FATE Fellowship. They have become not just fellow team members, but true friends, brothers, and co-laborers in Christ. I am continually amazed by the authenticity and heart of the men I get to work with every day. It’s not easy to step into this kind of vulnerability and openness, but these men have done it, and the fruit of their willingness is evident in their lives and in the lives of those around them.
I understand how intimidating it can be to step into a group like this. There are many who come into men’s ministry, small groups, or studies with preconceived ideas. The thought of being vulnerable, sharing secrets, or even expressing emotions can feel like a major hurdle. But here’s the truth: it’s worth it. I know it’s hard to push through the discomfort, the fear, and the resistance. But try. Try to open up. Try to share your struggles. Try to be seen for who you truly are. And if you’ve already been part of a group, ask yourself: Do you still miss the deeper connection? Do you long for that authentic, meaningful relationship that can only come from sharing life with others?
When we look at the Bible, we see so many examples of deep relationships between men—relationships that were pivotal in shaping their lives and the lives of others. King David and Jonathan shared an extraordinary friendship, built on mutual trust, loyalty, and love. Paul mentored Timothy, guiding him through difficult decisions and challenges in ministry. And of course, Jesus surrounded himself with a group of disciples, each one engaged in life at a critical moment, empowered to be more than they ever imagined. These relationships weren’t just friendships—they were transformative. They were life-shaping.
At FATE Fellowship, our team sees this same potential in each other. We see the value in every man who comes through our doors, and we see the power of what happens when we come together in Christ-centered community. We are better because of the relationships we’ve built. And we believe that the men we are yet to meet will experience the same transformation.
As FATE Fellowship continues to grow, so too do our needs. The demand for more groups, more studies, and more opportunities for men to connect is expanding. And with this growth, our team will need to expand as well. We are excited about the collaborations we are building with local churches and other ministries to offer more spaces for men to find community, accountability, and purpose. But we need more hands on deck. As Jesus said in Matthew 9:37, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few." This couldn’t be more true for us today. The need for strong, godly men to step up and take part in this work is greater than ever. We need more leaders, more mentors, and more men willing to serve and invest in the next generation.
I am humbled by the journey so far, and I’m even more excited about what’s to come. To the men who have been with us from the beginning, thank you. Your faith, your courage, and your willingness to share life together have been the foundation of FATE Fellowship. And to the men who are just beginning this journey—know that we’re here for you. You are not alone, and together, we can make a lasting impact for generations to come.
Let’s continue to build a legacy of strong marriages, engaged fathers, and empowered men. Together, we can change the world—one man, one marriage, one family at a time.